I love the idea of making contact with the unknowable. That really opened up something for me. <3

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There’s something so much more inviting and permission-giving about the verbiage of making contact vs. habit formation/habit stacking etc. lol. I loved hearing you read a snippet of this the other week and how you shaped it into such a wise reflection ❤️ also I need to find me a poet-yoga instructor like yours!!

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I engaged in a beautiful poetry intensive with the Iowa Writers Project many moons ago and one of the professors suggested we keep a “Daily” document. It can contain as much or as little as you’d like to write but the idea is you enter something every single day. Whenever I commit to that practice, something magic happens.

Also, I am inspired by your love of toast. And beauty.

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20 hrs agoLiked by Kate Vollrath

Hips and Flo. Two perfect reflections of our matching insides haha! Thank you for this.

Current littles include crocheting to Hozier in the dark mornings before I “have” to do anything else. Also coffee in blankets on Saturday mornings on our porch… because if you have coffee every morning, why not make it feel fun or special, rather than rushed or like a vitamin. 🤍

Being on the dark, cold, decay of it all! Thank you for this read, pre-October has been amazing.

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I was tearing up reading BEFORE I saw my name and your sweet words and now I am really going for the waterworks. Been one of those days. Your writing today has been such a balm. Thank you, friend!!!

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I am sitting here reading this while I stretch my very sore hips. Your writing is so necessary to me. I love that.

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